About Us: We’re a European clothing and hardware distribution. 100% skater owned and operated. Keen Dist is based in Oxford, UK and works with brands from across the world to specialise in their UK distribution. Our Brands: Bronze, Dancer, Evisen, Frog Skateboards, G-Tool, Ganj Wax, GX1000, Hockey, Jessups, Last Resort, Modus, Orbs, Pass~Port, Picture, Polar Skate Co, Quartersnacks, Quasi, Ripcare, RIPNDIP, Skateboard Cafe, Sk8ology, Wayward Wheels, & Welcome Skateboards.
Keen Dist. 3B Didcot Park, Churchward, Southmead Industrial Estate, Didcot, OX11 7HB.
+44 (0) 1865 236872 | sales@keendist.co.uk



Entering a fourth year of collaboration, BEEF TO REEF was a trip in Queensland, Australia from Mount Isa to Magnetic Island that brought Vans, Pass~Port, Hoddle, and Build Up back together for a week of regional spot hunting and community events. Featuring Jack Kirk, Adelaide Norris, Matthieu Lucas-D’Souza, Digby Luxton, Callum Paul & Yuma Takei.