About Us: We’re a European clothing and hardware distribution. 100% skater owned and operated. Keen Dist is based in Oxford, UK and works with brands from across the world to specialise in their UK distribution. Our Brands: Bronze, Dancer, Evisen, Frog Skateboards, G-Tool, Ganj Wax, GX1000, Hockey, Jessups, Last Resort, Modus, Orbs, Pass~Port, Picture, Polar Skate Co, Quartersnacks, Quasi, Ripcare, RIPNDIP, Skateboard Cafe, Sk8ology, Wayward Wheels, & Welcome Skateboards.
Keen Dist. 3B Didcot Park, Churchward, Southmead Industrial Estate, Didcot, OX11 7HB.
+44 (0) 1865 236872 | sales@keendist.co.uk


Free Skate Mag

Dan Fisher-Eustance – Centrifuge

Modus rider Dan Fisher Eustance lands his third part for Free Skate Mag, this time filmed entirely in and around his native Brighton by the masterly Al Hodgson. Additional filming by Jude Harrison & Harrison Woolgar

Brad Saunders – Bug’s Life

Free Skate Mag dropped a globe-trotting part of Modus rider Brad Saunders featuring plenty of London footage. Filmed and edited by Brayden Slezak.

Dan Fisher-Eustance – Rotating Asset

Modus rider Dan Fisher-Eustance with a follow-up to his Free part from 2020, once again filmed and edited by the masterful Quentin Guthrie ( with additional filming from Jude Harrison).

Let’s Talk About Jack

Free Skate Mag reached out to a few of Jack O’Grady’s close friends whilst working on his interview for Free Skate Mag Issue #47. This companion piece to the article takes a journey from Jack’s youth in Sydney through to his impressive stint in London whilst filming for Pass~Port’s Kitsch via the recollections of Pass~Port owner and founder, Trent Evans; videographer and Nike SB Australia team manager, Geoff Campbell; and Pass~Port teammate, Matlok Bennett-Jones. Interviews and edit by Farran Golding with footage courtesy of various Pass~Port productions.

‘Assets’ by Quentin Guthrie

A new edit by Quentin Guthrie for NB Numeric featuring Charlie Munro, Davide Holzknecht, Matlok Bennett-Jones, Massimo Cristofoletti, Dee Collins, Dale Starkie and Dom Henry.


A short but sweet Melbourne-based scene vid featuring Barney Page, Shaun Paul, Simon Zuzic, Digby Luxton, Pat Roberts, Jed Coldwell, Jason Rainbird, Rowan White, Jack Kirk,  Max Couling and countless other familiar faces, filmed and edited by Neihana Tonkin.