About Us: We’re a European clothing and hardware distribution. 100% skater owned and operated. Keen Dist is based in Oxford, UK and works with brands from across the world to specialise in their UK distribution. Our Brands: Bronze, Dancer, Evisen, Frog Skateboards, G-Tool, Ganj Wax, GX1000, Hockey, Jessups, Last Resort, Modus, Orbs, Pass~Port, Picture, Polar Skate Co, Quartersnacks, Quasi, Ripcare, RIPNDIP, Skateboard Cafe, Sk8ology, Wayward Wheels, & Welcome Skateboards.
Keen Dist. 3B Didcot Park, Churchward, Southmead Industrial Estate, Didcot, OX11 7HB.
+44 (0) 1865 236872 | sales@keendist.co.uk



Jante – 8:33

Featuring: Gustav Tønnesen, Filip Almqvist, Tom Snape, Martin Sandberg, Nisse Ingemarsson, Marius Syvanen, Axel Berggren, Victor Campillo, Eric Hedberg, Vincent Huhta, Alex Elfving, Simon Hallberg & Tyler Surrey. Mostly Marseille plus some Barcelona and Paris, Spring 2024. Filmed and edited by Fritte Söderström.

‘Portiions’ by Austin Bristow

Austin Bristow’s new London full length. This one features too many heads to mention, and deserves watching on the TV with a brew!

adidas Skateboarding Presents /// MACHI MOCKIL

Lucas Puig in Morocco for his latest Puig Indoor Adidas shoe. Filmed and edited by Torsten Frank.

‘Balancing Act’ by Pekka Løvås

Adidas Skateboarding’s Heitor Da Silva, Gustav Tønnesen, Magnus Bordewick, Niels Bennett, Filip Almqvist, Hermann Stene, Tom Snape, Leo Cholet, Gunes Ozdogan, Tim Debauché, Jonatan Drab, Martin Dammen, Patrick Riberg and Ruben Soon in Oslo, filmed and edited by Pekka Løvås.

Top Heavy Entertainment presents ‘Baggie’

Top Heavy Entertainment‘s first promo is here featuring Tiago Lemos, Ryuhei Kitazume, Diego Najera, Marcus Shaw, Nikoli Piombo, Talles Silva, Thomas Dritsas and Joey Marrone.

Palace Skateboards – BETA BLOCKERS

The new full length from Palace. This one is worth the wait. With all the usual suspects plus the heavy new gun additions to their team. Edited by Lev Tanju and filmed entirely on ancient cameras mainly by Jack Brooks, Austin Bristol and Morph.