About Us: We’re a European clothing and hardware distribution. 100% skater owned and operated. Keen Dist is based in Oxford, UK and works with brands from across the world to specialise in their UK distribution. Our Brands: Bronze, Dancer, Evisen, Frog Skateboards, G-Tool, Ganj Wax, GX1000, Hockey, Jessups, Last Resort, Modus, Orbs, Pass~Port, Picture, Polar Skate Co, Quartersnacks, Quasi, Ripcare, RIPNDIP, Skateboard Cafe, Sk8ology, Wayward Wheels, & Welcome Skateboards.
Keen Dist. 3B Didcot Park, Churchward, Southmead Industrial Estate, Didcot, OX11 7HB.
+44 (0) 1865 236872 | sales@keendist.co.uk


Converse One Star World Tour

The Converse skate team took the One Star Pro around the world from June through November 2015. From Nebraska to Burgundy to Bankok to Brazil. This is the best of that epic trip.

Filmed and Edited By Richard Quintero and Ben Chadourne

Starring: Mike Anderson, Al Davis, Nuge, Aaron Herrington, Kenny Anderson, Jason Jessee, Sean Pablo, Sage Elsesser, Sammy Baca, Ben Raemers, Tom Remillard, Zered Bassett, Eli Reed, Louie Lopez, Jake Johnson, and Al Davis.

Featuring: Frank Gerwer, Bobby de Keyzer, Milton Martinez, Andrew Brophy, David Stenstorm, Ramy Taveira, Jerome Campbell, and Carlos Cardenosa.