About Us: We’re a European clothing and hardware distribution. 100% skater owned and operated. Keen Dist is based in Oxford, UK and works with brands from across the world to specialise in their UK distribution. Our Brands: Bronze, Dancer, Evisen, Frog Skateboards, G-Tool, Ganj Wax, GX1000, Hockey, Jessups, Last Resort, Modus, Orbs, Pass~Port, Picture, Polar Skate Co, Quartersnacks, Quasi, Ripcare, RIPNDIP, Skateboard Cafe, Sk8ology, Wayward Wheels, & Welcome Skateboards.
Keen Dist. 3B Didcot Park, Churchward, Southmead Industrial Estate, Didcot, OX11 7HB.
+44 (0) 1865 236872 | sales@keendist.co.uk



Scorched Orbs – Orbs Team in Las Vegas

Featuring: Corey Duffell, Aaron Goure, Shawn Hale, Travis Harrison, Mitch Haight, Kevin Pierre-Louis, Jon Pierce, Zach Taverrite, and Laird Brunson.

Pyramid Country’s “Setting Up” Video

Welcome and Orbs rider Aaron Goure has a short but powerful part in the latest release from the unstoppable Pyramid Country crew!


Orbs Wheels have officially abducted Corey Duffel! A great addition to their team.

Hard Feelings by Bleach USA

Welcome Skateboards ruler Keegan McCutchen opens proceedings in this new full length from Texas-based crew Bleach USA with a typically mind-boggling part.

Manramp: “Pyramid Country” Episode 5

Plenty of Aaron Goure insanity in this heavy collision of worlds between the Man Ramp and Pyramid Country crews!

Moontrimmer 2.0 shape review with Aaron Goure

The ever-charismatic Aaron Goure with a ‘shape review’ video in which he gets the cold shoulder at his local shop and does unthinkably mental tricks over his local spine ramp!